邮箱:luxingdou@yangtzeu.edu.cn ; douluxing@hotmail.com
(1)2016-09 至2021-06, 中国石油大学(北京), 地质资源与地质工程,博士
(2)2019-08 至2020-09, 伊利诺伊大学香槟-厄巴纳分校, 地质学(联合培养)
(3)2013-09 至2016-06, 中国石油大学(北京),地质学, 硕士
(4)2009-09 至2013-06, 中国矿业大学, 地质工程, 学士
(1)2023-12 至今,长江大学,亚游app登录入口,亚游(中国)官方,副教授
(2)2021-07 至2023-12,长江大学,亚游app登录入口,亚游(中国)官方,讲师
(1) Luxing Dou, Jim Best, Zhidong Bao, Jiagen Hou, et al., The sedimentary architecture of hyperpycnites produced by transient turbulent flows in a shallow lacustrine environment, Sedimentary Geology, 2020,411.
(2) Luxing Dou, JiagenHou, Suihong Song, et al., Sedimentary characteristics of hyperpycnites in a shallow lacustrine environment: A case study from the Lower Cretaceous Xiguayuan Formation, Luanping Basin, Northeast China, Geological Journal,2020,55(5):3344-3360.
(3) Luxing Dou, Jiagen Hou,Yuming Liu, et al., Sedimentary infi ll of shallow water deltaic sand bodies controlled by small-scale syndepositional faults related paleogeomorphology: Insights from the paleogene Shahejie formation in the Dongying depression, Bo hai Bay Basin, Eastern China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 118.
(4) Luxing Dou, XixinWang, YumingLiu et al., River mouth jet plume related deposition in lacustrine shoal-water deltas: Implications for reservoir characterization in lacustrine basins, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 219:111011.
(5) 窦鲁星,侯加根,张莉,等.断陷湖盆同生断层发育区三角洲砂体分布模式,石油勘探与开发,2020,47(3):534-546.
(6) 窦鲁星,侯加根,刘钰铭,宋随宏,廖爽,王建,武刚.同生正断层发育区古地貌的恢复方法,2018-3-22,中国, ZL201810238530.8(发明专利)